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    8 месяца, 3 weeks ago

    20 Wise Tips from Dale Carnegie…
    Writer, psychologist and educator Dale Carnegie thought and lived according to the principle "there are no bad people in the world." There are only unpleasant circumstances that can be easily changed only by changing the attitude towards them. Therefore, you should not spoil the life and mood of others because of them.

    He also developed his own concept of conflict-free and successful communication. His theory had many supporters and many opponents – in short, no one remained indifferent. And his advice is really worth listening to:

    1. Everyone is a fool for at least five minutes a day. The real wisdom is not to exceed this time limit.
    2. If fate gives you a lemon, make lemonade out of it.
    3. Be able to put yourself in the other person's position and understand what they need, not you. The whole world will be with the one who can do it.
    4. Stay busy. It's the cheapest medicine on earth — and one of the most effective.
    5. If you want to remake people, start with yourself. This is both more useful and safer.
    6. Imagine the worst possible consequences that your action may entail, accept them in advance and act!
    7. A smile costs nothing, but it is highly valued…
    8. Many people call a doctor when they only need an audience.
    9. People aren't interested in me or you. In the morning, at noon and in the afternoon, they are busy only with themselves.
    10. When a person starts a war with himself, he is already worth something.
    11. Of course, your husband has his flaws! If he was a saint, he would never have married you.
    12. Remember that a person's name is the sweetest and most important sound in any language.
    13. The secret of our unhappiness is that we have too much leisure to think about whether we are happy or not.
    14. For a wise person, a new life begins every day.
    15. No tomorrow. The day of saving man is today.
    16. Don't be afraid of enemies who attack you, and don't be afraid of friends who flatter you.
    17. Fear doesn't exist anywhere else but in your mind.
    18. A strong desire to learn something is already 50% of success.
    19. Act like you're already happy, and you really will be happier.
    20. In this world, there is only one way to earn love — stop demanding it and start giving love without hoping for gratitude.


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