Luck and warning signs

Luck and warning signs, strange coincidences.

Once, in a speech at a gala, Churchill proclaimed: "Health, wealth, fame, these are all important, but I should like to wish you - just, good luck! After all, on "TITANIK" most of the passengers were rich and famous. But only a few were lucky enough to stay alive".

Can we explain in a nutshell what luck and bad luck are? Is it fate or a gift from above?

Luck, can hurt and bad luck, can save lives.

Here are some of the stories of people who miraculously survived the 9/11 attacks in New York, in which almost 3,000 people died.

Mat woke up in good spirits; he thought it was going to be a great day. With a smile he walked into the kitchen where the whole family was already gathered around the table. At that moment he suddenly realised that today it was his turn to take the children to kindergarten. The good mood was as good as gone, plus on the way to kindergarten, Mat had managed to get caught in a traffic jam. Finally, leaving his children in the care of their teachers, he hurried to work, distractedly looking at his watch. The day had started off so well, he thought to himself. As he approached the skyscrapers where Mat worked as an employee, he heard a resounding thud, the car shook... dazed with horror, the man watched the building where he worked collapse.

It turned out that there were quite a few such stories, some were saved by being late for the bus, some spilled their coffee on their shirt while having breakfast at home. Someone went to get a pizza and came out of the lobby just as the fire was raging on the upper floors.

Or here's another example. The manager's child, who works for a company in a skyscraper, suddenly became cranky that morning and could hardly drag his feet, dressing so long that tardiness became inevitable.

But what's really impressive is that one of the "losers", put on his new shoes that morning, and got to work alternating between the metro and buses, and before he got there he rubbed a blister on his foot, he stopped at a chemist to buy a plaster! That's the only reason he's still alive.

So what is failure? And do we need to get upset about them?

Many people think that all events that happen "happen by chance", but the moment we connect more closely with our intuition, we realise that everything that happens to us, and those strange coincidences that happen to us, we have created ourselves and are directly responsible for it.

We cannot be fully aware of what awaits us in this moment, or the next, but fortunately the universe gives us plenty of signs to help us know when we are on the right track and (especially) when we are on the wrong track.

Understanding the signals from the universe is not easy. Many people think they are just strange coincidences, something to be quickly forgotten, because it makes no difference to anyone. These "clues" do not help you get rich or famous, it is just an unfortunate misunderstanding that prevents you from achieving your goal. And yet, you should not ignore these warning signs, because if you do not listen and go against them, things can end very sadly.

Things usually happen at special moments in life. Anger, disappointment, failure. It's so infuriating. We really want and long for something and it all goes wrong and only gets worse. All because we do not listen to what the cosmos is telling us - the chosen path is wrong. It is trying to guide us on a path that is right for us, through a series of messages that, if we understand, can greatly improve our lives.

These messages from the universe, according to some of Jung's writings, are possible due to the law of synchronicity. According to the psychoanalyst, two events are related to each other, but they have nothing in common from a material point of view. However, they belong to the same context.

Suppose you are thinking about something, trying to find a way out of a difficult situation, but without finding any solution, you go out for a walk. Suddenly, you happen to hear some unfamiliar people talking about something. And at that very moment, like a thunderbolt, a decision flashes in your mind. Between their words you catch an important message, it passes through you like a wave.

You are strangers to these people and have nothing to do with them, they have never influenced our lives. However, a series of strange coincidences led you to the same place where this couple was and you, had the opportunity to catch this important phrase. This is in fact the simplest and most primitive example, the purpose of which is only to trigger your own memory to remember you - of your life-changing coincidences.

Warning signs and strange coincidences.

The truth is that all signs are harbingers of something... they are trying to make us understand something. Each of these signs are messages that the Universe is asking us to focus on something else, to make us realise that the priority now is another direction.

When one of the warning signs arises, let's stop and immediately stop doing what we are doing! There is no need to stubbornly keep doing the same thing, to convince someone or to be obsessed with the idea, because nothing will come of it, except alienating us from where we really need to be.

Let's take a deep breath, step away from this situation and take a moment to do other things unrelated to the difficult situation. If you catch these warning signs quickly and respond to them immediately, all will be well.

So there is no need to get upset because of bad luck. Forgetting your keys at home or a traffic jam on the road. After all, everything, if you think about it, is always for the best. the better.

Success and failure. Game of the universe.
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Отлично сказано:)


Действительно, если подумать… часто что то плохое может привести к хорошему и наоборот исполнение самых заветных желаний оборачиваются полным крахом жизни. Странно это всё:)