Robinson Crusoe and his true story.

Robinson Crusoe and his true story. The famous literary character who finds himself on a (seemingly) deserted island and manages to survive in a hostile environment thanks to his wit and thirst for life. But did you know that not only the island on which the amazing adventures of the English traveller took place, and Robinson Crusoe himself, were not entirely fictional?

Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Growing up as a child.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry was born in Lyon in 1900 to a family of small gentry. His father, Jean de Saint-Exupéry, who worked for an insurance company, died before Antoine was four years old, and the five remaining children were brought up in two beautiful chateaux - one in Saint-Maurice-de-Remence, owned by a great-aunt, and another near Saint-Tropez, owned by their maternal grandparents.

What is intelligence? Mind and body.

It is our mind that makes us human. And like everything in us, it can also grow and develop. Talking about what intelligence (and creativity) is, the great artist Charlie Chaplin once said - "our brain is the most precious toy we have. It will accompany us throughout our lives, allow us to choose which [...]

The nose and the sense of smell. How does it work?

The nose - we are so used to using it spontaneously and automatically that we don't realise how much our sense of smell guides our choices and determines our lives. Let's find out how it works, together! We use our nose to distinguish good products from bad ones and, thanks to aromas, we are also able to sense - attracted or disgusted by a person. Did you know that we have [...]

One day... Dad and I, left home alone...

Memories from childhood that stay with us forever... One day, Dad and I were left home alone. Mum went to her grandmother for two whole weeks and there was freedom... No need to wash the dishes! No need to change clothes after going out! No need to braid my hair every morning! No need to touch street cats and dogs! No need to watch football with Diego Maradona at two o'clock [...]

Diseases and the body's fight against them.

A common occurrence, you get sick and then - cold, chills and exhaustion overtake you. What lies behind the fever? And how does our body use the rise in temperature to help us recover? To start with, body temperature rises for a reason... Illnesses and the body's fight against them, all processes are always led by our brain.

A society of people and its rules and prohibitions.

Наверное никто не знает, когда впервые человечество создало первое правило и первый запрет. Но, судя по всему, мы с этой способностью уже очень давно. Ничто люди не любят так сильно, как создавать правила, устанавливать запреты, возводить стены, проводить границы… Вот такое оно – Общество людей и их правила и запреты. Хотя казалась бы – все […]

The post office and children as parcels.

The post office itself is an inexhaustible treasure trove of funny stories and jokes. But sometimes people do their best to make things even more absurd. At least from the point of view of modern man. Postal services have been around since time immemorial, but the ability to send large parcels for ordinary people has been around for a hundred years. [...]

Galileo Galilei. "And Pur moves!"

Galileo Galilei. Today we are going to talk about a great scientist from the distant past who pushed humanity to question the universe and its mysteries. And who revolutionised science! When we lift our eyes to the starry sky, more or less, we know what we are looking at: the stars, planets and other celestial bodies, are established facts about which in general [...]

Children and their parents. Life in a circle.

We are little children again and come into this world, in most cases, wanted. We usually leave it alone... pressed to the ground by the weight of our own deeds and words. Tired of the endless race and thirsty to live a little longer. This is how man has built his life, and in the same way he tries to build lives [...]

