Birth, love, death...

Birth, love, death...

Birth, love, death or vice versa? What came before and does what happens to us make sense? We cry when someone dies and we rejoice at the new life, but have anyone ever thought that these events are closely related? There is no birth without death, death changes everything and when something old dies, it gives birth to something new. That's how the universe works. That's how life works. Yes, Death is the only thing beyond human control. It always comes suddenly, even when you know it's inevitable, no one thinks that one day they'll just cease to exist. And afterwards, the only thing left is to pick yourself up and get on with your life, but to other people. This video by animator and director Ainsley Henderson for the popular rock band James has been nominated for numerous awards in the field of cinematography.

Birth, love, death...
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Я жил на грани безумия, желая познать причины, я стучал в дверь. Когда она открылась… Я понял что стучал изнутри!

