Our galaxy is the Milky Way.

On summer evenings, sometimes you can lift your eyes to the sky and see a diffuse glow that looks like a long streak of light in space: it's the Milky Way. But what is it? A clear streak crosses the summer sky, almost like a milky trail. Indeed, that's why scientists have named it the Milky Way! But what is the Milky Way? Easy: it's our [...]

Black hole. The mysteries of the universe.

What is a black hole? Why is the 2019 Event Horizon Telescope photo so important? Let's shed some lightAfter those responsible for the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) project showed the world the first image of a black hole and the first image of a black hole at the centre of the Milky Way, many are trying to understand more about what still remains a very complex (and mysterious), [...]

Interesting facts about planet Earth.

Our home is planet Earth. How old is it? At what speed does it revolve around itself? And around the Sun? Questions and answers to better understand our common home.For us humans, the Earth has always existed and has always included everything that surrounds us. However, our world is nothing more than a finite "body", [...]

10 facts about stars you might not have known

Прежде всего, необходимо знать что звёзды не разбросаны беспорядочно по небесному своду. Они сгруппированы в большие скопления, называемые галактиками. По данным астрономов, во Вселенной их число равно 100 миллиардам! Также и наше Солнце является частью галактики – Млечный Путь, а ближайшая к нам, называется Андромеда и находится на расстоянии всего 2,5 миллиона световых лет. Итак, […]

Jupiter is the oldest planet in the solar system.

Эта планета сформировалась всего через миллион лет после рождения Солнечной системы: Юпитер, газовый гигант, является первенцем среди всех планет нашей галактики. Каким образом это было обнаружено? Благодаря метеоритам! Попавшим в зону гравитации гиганта. Самая большая планета Солнечной системы, также является самой старой. Поскольку твердое ядро, образующее “хребет” газового гиганта, сформировалось всего через миллион лет после […]

The sun. Star of life or death?

The Sun - the star of our system - which is called Solar for a reason, is the main source of life on Earth: without it, we could not exist! But it's not just life that carries this bright light in the sky. If it were not for our planet's atmosphere, a long and painful death would await us. Over the centuries - physicists, astronomers and [...]

How long is a day on other planets? The relativity of time.

Всё в жизни относительно. Как часто мы слышим эту фразу. Думаю время от времени вы и сами приходите к такому выводу. Ничто в нашем мире не постоянно а реальность настолько многогранна что захватывает дух. Возьмём, к примеру “время” самую непостоянную величину. На каждой планете время течёт по разному, поэтому думаю вам интересно будет узнать – […]

The Red Planet. Mars and its mysteries

As a celestial body, the red planet was known to the first civilisations to appear on Earth. But the first person to truly study the planet was Asaph Hall, who also discovered the two satellites of Mars, giving them the names Phobos (fear) and Deimos (terror), this happened in 1877 and since then scientists have not given [...]

Venus. Earth's big sister.

Venus, goddess of love and also, a distant, mysterious planet. In our race for survival, where the ultimate prize is death. We sometimes miss so much of what surrounds us at every turn. Miracles are all around us and it's no joke. Take wind, for example. A destructive force capable of destroying entire cities. But we can't even see it. To feel it, but not to see it. We are so used to it that we don't even think about what the wind is?

Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system.

The name of this planet comes from the tradition of the ancient astronomers of Babylon, who, through Greek culture, associated the characteristics of the various planets with the features of the Olympian gods. So it makes sense that the fastest planet bears the name of a messenger of the gods in winged sandals. By the way, in Rome this god became the patron saint of thieves and dexterity, but in this the planet is not like him: the [...]